The Boomer Daily

Your daily source of news & information for the Baby Boomer Generation!

Depression Era Parent Syndrome Affecting Boomers

Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s.

Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s.

With the wave of Boomers coming of age, so to speak… many are dealing with huge amounts of goods that their aging or passed on parents left behind for their children to deal with. This article, found on News Blaze, speaks to all the issues that Baby Boomers are facing or dealing with right now. The parents of Boomers were born out of the depression era and therefore, saved everything! They bought a house and stayed in it the rest of their lives and as they grew older or lost their spouses, they couldn’t take care of their homes or really any of problems of hanging on to things just because they couldn’t get rid of them. They learned from their parents who lived during the Great Depression, to save things and money and never, ever let them go.

Now these are the leftovers that no one really wants or wants to deal with. The cleaning up of estates left to children can cause huge emotional problems and sometimes, even break up family relationships.

This may be one of the largest issues the the aging Baby Boomer generation may have to deal with… and therefore, so will the country, as 78 plus billion Boomers all push the limits of our country and future generations.

Read and save this article as it gives some good advice for Boomers to prepare for what is inevitable.

78 Million Boomers affected by ‘Depression Era’ Mentality

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August 6, 2008 - Posted by | Articles |

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